Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Can one remove the sinus cavity??

Bleugh! (with apologies to Charles Schultz an Peanuts). That epithet captures precisely how I feel today. Eyes are runny, nose is runny, throat is ....well, you get the picture.
BUT, nothing will stop me from getting on with the work I need to do.  Beading awaits. Finishing up  projects in the works--and a fix for a client.
  Once we're through with the "to do" list, we'll move on to the "oooh this will be fun to do" list....the NEW STUFF!  Stay tuned!!!
I'll stay cloistered for a few days to ensure YOU don't get what I've got....BLEUGH, indeed!

Send chicken soup!  Better yet, become a follower of my facebook page!  


  1. what are you making there?? It looks so much like my aqua necklace and bracelet in my etsy shop??? Just curious... I know my teacher has been teaching in the US as well, and who knows where she got the idea... ;-p

    1. The product is a necklace that looks like brain coral. It's made with links of peyote stitch. Been making it for about 3-4 years and still haven't repeated colors unless asked!!!
