Showing posts with label on blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label on blogging. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good day, least for a while

A metal "sun" in Arles
The day dawned bright; the weather doom-sayers, however, inform that it will go downhill rather rapidly. BUt my good mood will NOT be doused!

The cause of the excellent humour this matin?  I've sworn off the Sunday pundits for the day!  No opinions in the guise of facts (whether from the right or the left).
AND I have completed my editorial work, which means, HUZZAH and HOORAY, I can bead, bead, bead for the next two days......First project to complete: a chain maille bracelet for a friend's sister who wears a medic alert.  How nice to have an attractive Japanese 12-in-1 bracelet for that, right?
Picture will be coming!!!

A French Metro sign to go with the Macarons!
It'll be bead, bead bead, EXCEPT  when I'm cooking, cooking, cooking for Passover. Two briskets (oh, so wonderfully cooked!) are already in the freezer.   Ice cream (two kinds that are rather "out there"), a sponge cake (to be paired with freshly whipped cream AND fresh strawberries macerated in balsamic vinegar and a touch of sugar), and my first foray into French macarons (note, not the traditional cocoanut version, but the almond meal sandwich ones that look like pretty little pincushions, but taste oh so good!!!)

OMG, this is becoming a FOOD blog, not a bead blog.....If anyone wants directions for the food, let me know.  I'll be posting directions and kits for some of my favorite bracelets on the website. So stay tuned for that.  The shopping cart will be up before the summer hits.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Getting Noticed vs Staying Under the Rock

She got noticed! Running up and down the stairs in Lyon, France
So, how DOES one drive people to one's facebook page AND website? Seems that I'm writing for me and a few friends....which is ok, since I love to write. BUT the purpose IS to promote the business and, more important, the jewelry itself.....Any ideas?