Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wrist Warning--A new bracelet line

      Several months ago, a friend's sister came to visit.  A collector of beautiful things--including jewelry--the woman had a pair of magnificent bracelets on one wrist, and a medic alert bracelet -- the standard metal on metal from the drug store--on the other.  The two arms were in serious contrast. I might dare to say that they went from the sublime to the ridiculous (but necessary for an insulin-dependent diabetic).
     She happened to visit my studio and saw a few of my chain maille items.  [I love making them, but they're not part of my beaded collection, so they don't make it to many shows.  The tiny rings are a wonderful alternative to tiny beads.  Because the hand/arm motions differ markedly between the beading and the maille work, it's a good respite to help avoid carpal tunnel. Of course, the maille is just as eye-intensive as beads...so no break for these baby browns! LOL]
      But I digress...  My friend's sister fell in love with the Japanese 12-in-one pattern of one of my bracelets and wondered if I could create one that would serve as a more attractive "strap" for her medic alert ID charm.  OF COURSE IT WOULD!!!
     And a new line is being birthed as the result.  I've just sent off the first of the line to its new home in Florida -- purchased by my girlfriend for her sister, of course!  As she requested, its a Japanese 12-in-one.  Rather than work in silver (which she finds tarnishes rapidly in the Florida humidity), it's been done in aluminum and niobium...lightweight and susceptible to different looks based on the colors and placement of the niobium....In fact, it just occurred to me that one could do a "right side/wrong side" bracelet as well, with different colored large rings on the two sides.  Could be a fun idea.
     At any rate, it's the first in the "Hey Doc" line.....  Another version will feature Swarovski crystals and yet another will be crafted from the new farfalle beads.....I'm on a roll....
     SO, what do you think? With the unfortunate epidemic of obesity (and concomitant Type II diabetes), it's likely a growing niche market.....sad to say!   Shall I take the plunge and add this as another niche product?  Shall I do them on a custom basis?

      Let me know what you think!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great medical alert bracelet and I think it is a great idea for a new line. I bet success would be assured by advertising in the AARP publications!! By the way, thanks so much for visiting my blog... Have a good show this weekend.
